

Great pereanes 10 weeks old 254-631-8576 both parents working on property

** Work out low impact stationary machine 50 dollars. 254-631-4489

*** lake home 3 bedroom 2 bath on lake leon 3 large lots over 100 yards of waterfront property. Very nice. Lake leon.com or 254-488-1649

**** property for sale located 3 miles out of town. 50 acres cross fenced with approximately 20 acres for costal and remaining has nice trimmed trees throughout. 2500 per acre. 254-488-1649

Cedar fence stays one dollar each. 254-647-0508 leave name and number

Iphone 4s for sale like new condition in box white in color sprint carrier 254-334-2251

2002 buick rendezvous for sale. New tires on it. 6293251 629-3493

Series of bible on cassette NIV version. Book on tape. Blonde grey bulldog, non aggressive if you have lost him please call 254-433-1075

Lf a small car automatic. Reasonably priced 1000 or less. 254-488-1467

96 chevy envoy, body is wrecked but all else is great. Parts or whole. Make an offer 254-631-9856

Clothing store for sale everything for sale cheap. 505 e 10th in cisco

Birthday for dee hill on the 23rd

3 bedroomm house for rent in eastland. Washer dryer connections has fridge and stove 817-360-8659

Pool table for sale 9 ft regulation. 91 chevy van and windows vista computer girls or boys bike 647-3512 433-9929

2006 mini chopper needs a chain asking 400. 2005 dodge neon askign 2500 runs and drives and old lawn mowers 325-899-9103


Assorted drums could probably make a set. Call for info asking 100 for it all. Riding lawn mower hasn’t been started in years. Asking 75 for it. Grill guard off of early chevy chrome asking 30. 631-6472