Llamas for sale. 442-1222. Kid’s pedal car and two tv’s, electric motorized scooter, exercise bike, natural gas wall heater, antique dresser, portable singer sewing machine. 442-3863
L/F Carolyn Ingram 210-1738
Sears electric clothes dryer. $125. 631-0725
Antique lightning rod, $40. 325-733-8997
L/F electric water heater. 433-1245, leave a message and will return the call.
Dryer for sale, $75. 629-8190
Ford tractor $1200. Nine N, 3 speed transmission, good tires, runs good, smokes a little bit but still runs good. 46 model. 488-1884
**yard sale Friday and Saturday @ West 11th in Cisco behind Brookshire’s. furniture, formula, makeup, hair care tools, toys, shoes, depends new in box, Nicorette gum $10/box, antiques, collectibles, new and used items, also have a diesel truck for sale.