Antique heater from early 20’s to early 30’s, $30, does work. Ceiling fan, never been used, brand new. Small box of picture frames. 595-3040

L/F somewhere that sells dry ice. 629-8950

L/F someone who can work on a pressure tank on a water well. 631-1314

2005 Cattle catcher, has all the brackets and everything for it, heavy duty, $100-150. 334-0186

*Spa shells, no cabinets around them but the spa shell itself, for giveaway, lots of them have cracks in them, but cracks can be patched-multiple uses. Head out to Morgan’s Buildings to pick yours up. Free lumber. Office desks and chairs too. Heavy duty filing cabinets. Receiver hitches, brand new $50/piece, come by to check sizes. Small shower stalls, brand new.  433-2967

F250 headlights, bolt on receiver hitch that fits a medium size truck. L/F t posts and goat panels. Homemade benches for sale and wooden crosses. 433-9636

L/F Old barn wood, fence panels, or OSV. 433-1104

Puppy for giveaway, male, silk haired terrier and Chihuahua mix, beautiful, born Oct 27th. 911 Walnut street in Ranger. 647-5252

L/F the gentleman who had the lawnmower/boat trailer for sale to call. 488-1467

Headache rack for small pickup. 488-2590 or 488-2526

4 gymnasium lights, $20/piece. 488-1819

Couches for giveaway. 482 Pershing in Eastland

4 poster bed frame. Upright freezer. 631-0049

4-20” Pirelli tires and custom rims, good condition, need them out of his truck bed, tired of hauling them around, make an offer. Call Landon at 243-0255

89 Chevy suburban, $1K, 3 bird baths 2 have swans on them, asking $35. 488-2592

Car dolly $150. 433-2085

 **Garage sale Saturday at 9am 411 W Main in Ranger, everything must go.