L/F water cooler or AKA swamp box, in pretty decent shape. 631-4159

GEX NO satellite radio, can hook up in car or in the house, size of small mp3 player, $100, all hookups for in house and in car. 210-1797

Flip phone by tracphone with charger, $15. Pair of crutches, $20. Xbox for $25. 488-8007

Picnic table, also folds into benches, $50. 488-0309

 Office cubicles, office desks, file cabinets and such. Dueling tree, misc. shelves. 817-925-7711

334-9467, something for everyone, tons of stuff for sale or trade!

Parrot cage for sale. 2 man tree stand. 210-1408

L/F good, used lift chair. 631-6120

**Garage sale, Saturday at 7:30. 134 CR 454 in Olden, fairly close to old school. Lots of nice clothes for kids and adults, toys and odds and ends. 940-372-1647, look for signs

**yard sale Friday and Saturday from 8-2 at 432 Bobo Street Trailer 3 in Ranger. Baby clothes, kids clothes and adult clothes, baby toys and stuffed animals, shoes, fishing poles and more.

**Yard sale Friday, July 31st at 8:30 am at 808 ½ West Plummer in Eastland. Women’s and ladies clothes, sandals and shoes-some are brand new. Some other items.

 **Garage sale in Carbon on Saturday @ 514 E Anthracite.

**yard sale Friday and Saturday, 10726 Hwy 6, across from Eastland dialysis center, just west of the radio station, 7:30-3 both days, tons of odds and ends.

 **Yard sale 609 W 14th in Cisco. Friday and Saturday. Fridge, playhouse, clothes, lots of misc items.